Episode 7 recap & spoilers

Episode 7 (Conversations with Friends - SdsE7) recap & spoilers

7.3 star

Frances and Nick reconnect and agree to see each other when he returns from Croatia. Bobbi reveals that she is looking for a place to rent as she is struggling at home with her parent's impending divorce; Frances suggests that she can move into her spare room. On her first night in the flat, Bobbi and Frances warm up to each other again and life seems to be returning to some sort of normality. Frances starts back at college and when Nick arrives home, they start seeing each other again, with Bobbi's blessing. But when Frances and Bobbi bump into Melissa in town, Bobbi is hit with the reality of lying to Melissa and shares her discomfort with Frances. Frances is torn by the secrecy of her relationship with Nick, and when he makes a radical suggestion, she is both excited and scared for the future..

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Conversations with Friends Other Episodes
1Episode 1 - Conversations with Friends episode 1 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 115 May 2022$2.99

Frances and Bobbi, best friends (and exes) have the summer before their final year at Trinity College, Dublin, stretching out ahead of them. Frances writes spoken word poetry, and the duo perform in clubs together in the evenings after work. After a gig one night, they meet and befriend Melissa - an impressive and enigmatic writer in her 30s. Melissa takes the girls sea swimming and later they have lunch together in her home where they meet Melissa's husband, Nick - a quiet, somewhat withdrawn actor in his 30s. It's clear that Bobbi and Melissa have chemistry; but Frances finds herself strangely drawn to Nick and the two chat comfortably when Bobbi and Melissa peel away. Solo, Frances goes to see him perform in a play and they begin texting each other - something she keeps from Bobbi, who thinks that Nick is dull. Frances invites Nick to watch her and Bobbi perform. Having drinks after, Nick awkwardly tries to compliment Frances - and jokes that it might be easier to message her, as they won't have to make eye contact... but Frances coyly suggests that maybe they should try anyway.

2Episode 2 - Conversations with Friends episode 2 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 215 May 2022$2.99

Bobbi and Frances go to Melissa's birthday party. While Bobbi chats to Melissa and her friends, Frances drifts off to explore the house and finds Nick alone in a bedroom. Electrified by the intimacy of the moment, things escalate between them. Overwhelmed, Frances leaves the party, to Bobbi's annoyance. The next morning Frances travels to the country to visit her mother Paula, the events of last night playing over in her head. Paula encourages Frances to visit her father while she's home, which she reluctantly does; she finds Dennis drinking alone, and the house a mess. They're stilted and awkward with each other and after tidying up Frances heads back to her mother. Nick texts her initially to apologise, but the texts turn flirtatious - to Frances' secret delight. Back in Dublin, an excited Bobbi makes a surprising confession to Frances who decides not to share her news about Nick. Later that week at a book launch, when Nick and Frances find themselves alone again, Nick suggests that they should talk properly. He invites Frances over while Melissa is away for work.

3Episode 3 - Conversations with Friends episode 3 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 315 May 2022$2.99

When Frances arrives at Nick and Melissa's house; the sexual tension between them is palpable. They both share intimate details about their lives and their pasts as they get to know each other better. Later, at Frances' apartment, Bobbi presses Frances to watch one of Nick's films, and Frances gets annoyed at her for mocking him. Bobbi teases Frances about her crush, and Frances sharply accuses Bobbi of being jealous, which deeply offends Bobbi, causing a rupture in their friendship. Nick and Frances continue to see each other, but she is unsettled when he admits he'll be gone for most of the summer. They part unsure of what will happen next. Bobbi calls Frances out on her comment and Frances apologises; but when she meets Bobbi for coffee, she is surprised to find Melissa there too.

4Episode 4 - Conversations with Friends episode 4 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 415 May 2022$2.99

Frances and Bobbi arrive at Melissa and Nick's idyllic villa in Croatia where they're introduced to their friends Derek and Evelyn. As the group lounge by the sea Bobbi notices Frances staring at Nick and teases her again for having a crush, but Frances brushes it off. Nick takes Bobbi and Frances sightseeing, and they stop at a cove where Bobbi goes for a swim. Alone for the first time, Nick apologises to Frances for how he handled things and admits that it's good to see her. That night, unable to sleep, Frances wanders downstairs and bumps into Nick - confirming the chemistry is still strong between them. When Frances ditches Bobbi in favour of hanging around the villa (and Nick) for the day, Bobbi is hurt - and as the group play a drinking game late that night, Bobbi turns her teasing to Nick, which mortifies Frances. But a late-night visit from Nick proves that the two can't stay away from each other.

5Episode 5 - Conversations with Friends episode 5 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 515 May 2022$2.99

Melissa's agent, Valerie, who owns the villa, is coming for a visit and Melissa is in full prep mode. Frances joins Nick to set the table for breakfast; they're flirty and easy going - but Frances is thrown when Nick admits he still loves Melissa. Their conversation is cut short when Melissa joins, assigning tasks for the big dinner that night. Bobbi apologises to Frances for the previous night, and jokes that Frances could totally hook up with Nick. Later, while grocery shopping, Nick also apologises to Frances for being so blunt at breakfast - but it's rushed, and she's left still trying to process things. Valerie arrives; it becomes clear that she's a big personality and the energy of the group shifts tangibly around her. When Valerie and Melissa speak casually and, to Frances's mind, unkindly, about Nick's mental health, Frances becomes frustrated and leaves the table in a huff to be on her own. Bobbi joins to calm her down, and they both feel their friendship is back on track. Back at the villa, Valerie has gone to bed and Frances has an awkward conversation with Melissa that compounds her complex feelings about the affair. Later, Frances confides to Nick that she hadn't really considered the repercussions of their actions - but both will be forced to reckon with them sooner than they think.

6Episode 6 - Conversations with Friends episode 6 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 615 May 2022$2.99

Bobbi gives Frances the silent treatment as they travel back from the airport before Frances departs for Mayo. At her mother's house, Frances brushes off texts from Nick, feeling drained and unwell, and worried about Bobbi. Later, she starts bleeding heavily and is in a lot of pain. Paula is worried that it could be a miscarriage and takes her to hospital. The doctors run tests and rule out a miscarriage but keep her in overnight to monitor her. She tries to call Nick from the hospital but is unable to tell him what's happening; Nick is confused by the call. After she is released, she receives a series of angry messages from Bobbi. Unsure how to reply, Frances looks over old correspondence between them, trying to find comfort in them. She visits her father but finds him wandering around town drunk and his house is in worse condition than last time. Back in Dublin, she meets with Bobbi to reconcile - and, at home, reaches out again to Nick.

8Episode 8 - Conversations with Friends episode 8 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 815 May 2022$2.99

Frances and Bobbi attend Melissa's book launch where Frances is overcome with jealousy as she watches Nick and Melissa together. She tries to use Bobbi to make Nick jealous, and when Bobbi sharply reprimands her, Frances leaves, shocked. Later, Bobbi brings a woman home. Feelings lost and self-destructive Frances joins a dating app. Frances apologises to Bobbi but continues to ignore Nick's texts before going on a Tinder date. Bobbi accepts her apology but still acts a little combative, accidently forcing Frances to reveal her affair to a mutual friend who is more judgemental than Frances expected. Bobbi is understanding - but worries that Frances is losing herself. At Nick's, Frances bluntly tells him that she slept with someone from Tinder. Nick is hurt by Frances' behaviour, and they fight. Frances leaves Nick distraught. Back at home, Frances starts writing furiously.

9Episode 9 - Conversations with Friends episode 9 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 915 May 2022$2.99

Frances reads over her short story - about Bobbi, and their relationship. She seems like she's exorcised something - though she's still feeling low. Later, when her bank card is declined, she realises that her dad hasn't been putting money in her account - she calls him but there's no answer. An unexpected invite from Valerie leads Frances to impulsively share her short story with her. That night, Frances is again in deep pain and vomits. The next day, a visibly ill Frances collapses on the way to meet Bobbi, who takes her home and cares for her. Vulnerable, Frances admits to Bobbi that she and Nick aren't speaking. Seeing how upset Frances is, Bobbi calls Nick and invites him over. When he arrives, he and Frances speak honestly, and he makes a startling announcement.

10Episode 10 - Conversations with Friends episode 10 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 1015 May 2022$2.99

Melissa emails Frances suggesting they talk. Nervous but determined, Frances goes to meet her. Melissa is interrogative but also vulnerable to Frances, and surprisingly admits that things are better between her and Nick - and accepts that Frances is a reason for that, so therefore she'd like to find a way to make it all work. Frances and Bobbi go to Nick and Melissa's for an awkward dinner which leaves Frances feeling a little unsure of everything. Frances meets Nick for dinner where she shares the exciting news that her story is going to be published in a literary magazine. She admits that Bobbi doesn't know about the story or that it's about her - but that she'll tell her eventually. The next morning, Frances gets a concerning voicemail from her dad. She calls her mom and has a stressful afternoon waiting for an update; Paula eventually confirms that Dennis is safe but is clearly worried for him. Bobbi and Frances meet up with friends, Bobbi is aggressive towards Philip's girlfriend. Later, Bobbi explains that her behaviour is a result of her parents' divorce. Bobbi explains how hard she is finding things and difficult it is to deal with. Frances comforts her - and a flash of their old attraction emerges.

11Episode 11 - Conversations with Friends episode 11 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 1115 May 2022$2.99

Out for a drink, Frances and Nick are enjoying each other's company openly and publicly. They find themselves talking about Nick's depression last year; something that has been alluded to, but Frances didn't know the details of. They both admit that things haven't always been straightforward between them but that they are making each other happy now. The next day, Frances is told the results of her abdominal scan. The diagnosis unsettles her - and she decides to keep the news to herself while she processes it. Unaware of her news, Nick reveals that he and Melissa have started sleeping together again which upsets Frances further. A few days later at Nick's birthday party, Frances tries to act cool but can't contain her anger and confusion at how fast things have gone wrong. The next morning Bobbi returns to their flat and reveals that Melissa has shown her Frances' short story. Bobbi is furious with both the content of the story and Frances' dishonesty. Hurt by Frances too many times, she ends the friendship. Frances is devastated. When Nick reaches out, it becomes clear their future together is shaky.

12Episode 12 - Conversations with Friends episode 12 spoilers, recap and reviews
Episode 1215 May 2022$2.99

Lonely and low, Frances struggles to concentrate in college. When she receives a hard copy of the magazine with her story in it, she calls Melissa and asks her outright why she shared the story with Bobbi. Melissa can't believe that Frances feels that she's been the victim amongst all these events, and challenges her. Although combative at the start, Frances begins to engage with Melissa's perspective, and realises that she needs to take responsibility for the hurt she's caused. Frances emails Bobbi to say sorry. She tries to explain her actions and why this apology is different and more significant than before. Moved by Frances' honesty, Bobbi comes over and they embark on a new phase in their relationship. Frances' life enters a happier period, but Nick is still on her mind. She is taken by surprise when Nick accidentally calls her one afternoon while she is shopping for a present for Bobbi. Although the call was unintentional, Frances wants to address what went wrong between them. They start unpacking their feelings - and the question of what the future looks like for them hangs in the air.

Conversations with Friends All TV Seasons
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Conversations with Friends15 May 202212 Episodes

Frances is in her early 20s and lives in Dublin,where she attends Trinity College with her best friend, Bobbi. Despite having previously dated during school, the pair have remained close, and perform poetry together occasionally. Cracks begin to appear in their relationship when they befriend successful writer Melissa, and her actor husband Nick, and start spending more time with the older couple. As Frances finds herself in an intense affair with Nick, her friendship with Bobbi- and sense of self - are challenged. Adaptation of Sally Rooney's bestselling novel.

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