Wicked Little Letters summary and reviews

Wicked Little Letters synopsis, summary and reviews

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Wicked Little Letters (2024) Movie Summary

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A farcical and occasionally sinister scandal drives this riotous mystery comedy. Based on a stranger than fiction true story, this ferociously funny mystery follows two neighbors: deeply conservative local Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) and rowdy Irish migrant Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley). When Edith and fellow residents begin to receive wicked letters full of unintentionally hilarious profanities, foul-mouthed Rose is charged with the crime. The anonymous letters prompt a national uproar, and a trial ensues. However, as the town's women - led by Police Officer Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan) - begin to investigate the crime themselves, they suspect that something is amiss, and Rose may not be the culprit after all.

Wicked Little Letters Film Synopsis

When deeply conservative English local Edith Swan and fellow residents begin to receive wicked letters full of unintentionally hilarious profanities, her rowdy, foul-mouthed, Irish migrant neighbor Rose Gooding is charged with the crime. The anonymous letters prompt a national uproar, and a trial ensues. However, as the town’s women—led by Police Officer Gladys Moss—begin to investigate the crime themselves, they suspect something is amiss and Rose may not be the culprit after all.

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Wicked Little Letters Movie Reviews

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Wicked Little Letters (2024) Series Cast & Crew

Wicked Little Letters (2024) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Olivia Colman (Edith Swan), Jessie Buckley (Rose Gooding), Anjana Vasan (Gladys Moss), Timothy Spall (Edward Swan), Gemma Jones (Victoria Swan), Malachi Kirby (Bill), Alisha Weir (Nancy Gooding), Joanna Scanlan (Ann), Eileen Atkins (Mabel), Lolly Adefope (Kate), Hugh Skinner (Constable Papperwick), Paul Chahidi (Constable Spedding), Krishni Patel (Winnie Moss), Grant Crookes (Police Sergeant), Adam Treasure (Pharmacist), Jonny Sweet (Alwyn A. Anderson), Tim Key (Father Ambrose), Jason Watkins (Mr Treading), Richard Goulding (Mr Scales), Cyril Nri (Judge Maccleston), all returned for wicked little letters movie.

Olivia Colman (Edith Swan)
Olivia ColmanEdith SwanScore: 27.8
Jessie Buckley (Rose Gooding)
Jessie BuckleyRose GoodingScore: 33.0
Anjana Vasan (Gladys Moss)
Anjana VasanGladys MossScore: 12.4
Timothy Spall (Edward Swan)
Timothy SpallEdward SwanScore: 28.0
Gemma Jones (Victoria Swan)
Gemma JonesVictoria SwanScore: 21.8
Malachi Kirby (Bill)
Malachi KirbyBillScore: 7.4
Alisha Weir (Nancy Gooding)
Alisha WeirNancy GoodingScore: 10.9
Joanna Scanlan (Ann)
Joanna ScanlanAnnScore: 12.7
Eileen Atkins (Mabel)
Eileen AtkinsMabelScore: 23.8
Lolly Adefope (Kate)
Lolly AdefopeKateScore: 4.7
Hugh Skinner (Constable Papperwick)
Hugh SkinnerConstable PapperwickScore: 14.3
Paul Chahidi (Constable Spedding)
Paul ChahidiConstable SpeddingScore: 12.7

Thea Sharrock (Director), Jonny Sweet (Writer), Olivia Colman (Producer), Ed Sinclair (Producer), Graham Broadbent (Producer), Peter Czernin (Producer), Farhana Bhula (Executive Producer), Tom Carver (Executive Producer), Ron Halpern (Executive Producer), Anna Hintzen (Co-Producer), Ben Knight (Executive Producer), Diarmuid McKeown (Executive Producer), Joe Naftalin (Executive Producer), Jo Wallett (Producer), Ben Davis (Director of Photography), Melanie Oliver (Editor), Jina Jay (Casting), Romain Hémeray (Art Direction), Alice Sutton (Art Direction), Charlotte Walter (Costume Design),

Thea Sharrock (Director)
Thea SharrockDirectorScore: 5.5
Jonny Sweet (Writer)
Jonny SweetWriterScore: 4.7
Olivia Colman (Producer)
Olivia ColmanProducerScore: 27.8
Graham Broadbent (Producer)
Graham BroadbentProducerScore: 9.1
Ron Halpern (Executive Producer)
Ron HalpernExecutive ProducerScore: 5.2
Ben Davis (Director of Photography)
Ben DavisDirector of PhotographyScore: 6.1
Men’s T-Shirts

Wicked Little Letters Trailers & Teasers

'Wicked Little Letters' Official Trailer (HD). First teaser trailer of wicked little letters, the Thea Sharrock's popular movie. Watch the wicked little letters teaser trailer. Thea Sharrock’s #wicked-little-letters is now on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and digital platforms.

In Conversation With Susie Dent & Jonny Sweet▶ In Conversation With Susie Dent & Jonny Sweet
▶ "Reporting The Letters" Clip
Jessie Buckley likes a good f***….▶ Jessie Buckley likes a good f***….

Wicked Little Letters Screencaps, Images & Pictures

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Wicked Little Letters — 2024

Wicked Little Letters Posters

All released movie posters so far for the movie wicked little letters - 2024. A poster for Thea Sharrock comedy movie, Wicked Little Letters! High resolution official theatrical movie poster (#1 of 10) for wicked little letters (2024). Image dimensions: 2025 x 3000.

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Wicked Little Letters Movie Posters
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소설보다도 더 비현실적인 실화를 바탕으로 한 이 영화는 보수적인 동네 토박이 이디스와 소란스러운 아일랜드 이민자 로즈를 따라간다. 이디스와 이웃들이 추잡한 농담으로 가득 찬 장난 편지를 받자, 입이 거친 로즈가 범인으로 의심받는다.

Lorsque les habitants de Littlehampton, y compris la très conservatrice Edith, commencent à recevoir des lettres remplies d'obscénités et de blasphèmes hilarants, Rose, une immigrante irlandaise et turbulente, est accusée du crime. Soupçonnant que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond, les femmes de la ville mènent l'enquête.

Die lebhafte Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley) hat wenig mit der frommen Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) gemeinsam, außer dass sie Nachbarinnen in der englischen Küstenstadt Littlehampton in den 1920er Jahren sind. Doch eines Tages erhalten Edith und andere in der Stadt anstößige Briefe, gespickt mit gemeinen Beschuldigungen in unflätiger Sprache, und der Verdacht fällt sofort auf Rose. Scotland Yard ermittelt und Rose droht sogar, das Sorgerecht für ihre Tochter zu verlieren. Während die skandalösen Briefe weiterhin die Stadt heimsuchen, ahnt nur die Polizistin Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan), dass etwas nicht stimmt und Rose möglicherweise doch nicht die Schuldige ist…

Años 20. En la ciudad costera de Littlehampton, la devota Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) y otros habitantes de la localidad empiezan a recibir escandalosas cartas escritas con un lenguaje tan excéntrico como obsceno. Rápidamente las sospechas recaen sobre Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley), una vecina impetuosa que ve cómo su libertad y la custodia de su hija peligran debido a estas acusaciones. Mientras las cartas siguen asolando la población, la agente de policía Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan) pondrá su ingenio a trabajar para resolver el misterio y atrapar al verdadero culpable de todo este embrollo.

Когда глубоко консервативная англичанка Эдит Свон и другие местные жители начинают получать злобные письма, полные непреднамеренно веселых ругательств, ее шумную, сквернословящую соседку-ирландскую мигрантку Роуз Гудинг обвиняют в преступлении. Анонимные письма вызывают всеобщий резонанс, и начинается судебный процесс. Однако, когда женщины города во главе с офицером полиции Глэдис Мосс начинают самостоятельно расследовать преступление, они подозревают, что что—то не так, и Роуз, возможно, вовсе не виновна.

Dear Edith, you foxy ass old whore … Het Britse badplaatsje Littlehampton wordt opgeschrikt door mysterieuze, obscene handgeschreven brieven die in steeds grotere getale en bij steeds meer dorpsbewoners op de mat vallen. De verdenkingen gaan gelijk richting de vrijgevochten en enigszins grofgebekte Rose die hierdoor de voogdij over haar dochtertje dreigt kwijt te raken. Dan sluit een aantal vrouwen uit het dorp de handen ineen om de waarheid boven tafel te krijgen. Wicked Little Letters is een even hilarisch als eerlijk verslag over vrouwen die veroordeeld worden vanwege afwijkend gedrag, maar blijven vechten voor gerechtigheid in het rechtssysteem dat hen volledig uitsluit.


1922. Una cittadina affacciata sulla costa meridionale dell’Inghilterra è teatro di un farsesco e a tratti sinistro scandalo. Basato su una bizzarra storia vera, Cattiverie a domicilio segue le vicende di due vicine di casa: Edith Swan (Olivia Colman), originaria del posto e profondamente conservatrice, e Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley) turbolenta immigrata irlandese. Quando Edith e altri suoi concittadini iniziano a ricevere lettere oscene piene di scabrosità, i sospetti ricadono immediatamente su Rose. Le lettere anonime scatenano una protesta a livello nazionale che scaturisce in un processo. Saranno le donne – guidate dalla poliziotta Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan) – a indagare sul crimine, sospettando che le cose potrebbero non essere come sembrano.

Коли люди в Літтлгемптоні, включно з консервативною місцевою Едіт, починають отримувати листи, наповнені кумедною нецензурною лексикою, у злочині звинувачують скандалістку з Ірландії, мігрантку Роуз.

Kun Little Hamptonin asukkaat alkavat saada skandaalimaisia ja säädyttömiä kirjeitä, epäilykset kohdistuvat välittömästi tulisieluseen Roseen, joka saattaa menettää tyttärensä huoltajuuden. Ryhmä naisia lähtee selvittämään mysteeriä.

Když hluboce konzervativní anglická obyvatelka Edith Swanová a její spolubydlící začnou dostávat zlomyslné dopisy plné nechtěně vtipných nadávek, je ze zločinu obviněna její hlučná, vulgární sousedka, irská přistěhovalkyně Rose Goodingová. Anonymní dopisy vyvolávají celonárodní rozruch a následuje soudní proces. Když však ženy z města v čele s policistkou Gladys Mossovou začnou zločin samy vyšetřovat, pojmou podezření, že něco není v pořádku a že Rose možná nakonec není pachatelkou.

Film temelji na resničnem škandalu iz leta 1920 in sledi preiskavi anonimnega avtorja številnih grobo žaljivih pisem, poslanih prebivalcem obmorskega mesta Littlehampton. Ko eno tako pismo prejme globoko konservativna Edith Swan, za to obtoži svojo hrupno in vulgarno sosedo, irsko priseljenko Rose Gooding. Sledi sodni proces, vendar nekaj žensk pod vodstvom policistke Gladys Moss same začnejo s preiskavo in takoj posumijo, da morda le ni kriva Rose.

Egy 1920-as évekbeli angol tengerparti város egy sötét és abszurd botrány tanúja lesz ebben a fergeteges krimivígjátékban. A fikciónál is furcsább igaz történeten alapuló Wicked Little Letters két szomszédot mutat be: a mélyen konzervatív helyi Edith Swant (Olivia Colman) és a lármás ír bevándorlót, Rose Goodingot (Jessie Buckley). Amikor Edith és lakótársai gonosz leveleket kezdenek kapni, amelyek tele vannak akaratlanul is mulatságos trágárságokkal, a mocskos szájú Rose-t megvádolják a bűncselekménnyel. A névtelen levelek országos felháborodást váltanak ki, és perre kerül sor. Amikor azonban a város asszonyai – Gladys Moss rendőrnő (Anjana Vasan) vezetésével – maguk is nyomozni kezdenek a bűntény után, kezdik gyanítani, hogy valami nincs rendben, és talán mégsem Rose a tettes.


Када дубоко конзервативна енглеска мештанка Едит Свон и њени суграђани почну да добијају опака писма пуна ненамерно урнебесних вулгарних псовки, њена груба, злогласна, ирска комшиница мигрантица Роуз Гудинг је оптужена за злочин. Анонимна писма су изазвала националну галаму и уследило је суђење. Међутим, док градске жене - предвођене полицајцем Гледис Мос - почну саме да истражују злочин, сумњају да нешто није у реду и Роуз можда ипак није кривац.

Da den dybt konservative engelske lokale Edith Swan og andre beboere begynder at modtage ondsindede breve fulde af utilsigtet hylende morsomme bandeord, bliver hendes larmende, grimmundede, irske migrantnabo Rose Gooding sigtet for forbrydelsen. De anonyme breve giver anledning til national opstandelse, og en retssag følger. Men da byens kvinder - ledet af politibetjent Gladys Moss - selv begynder at efterforske forbrydelsen, har de mistanke om, at der er noget galt, og Rose er måske alligevel ikke synderen.

Όταν η βαθιά συντηρητική Αγγλίδα Έντιθ Σουάν και οι γείτονές της αρχίζουν να λαμβάνουν πονηρές επιστολές γεμάτες άθελα ξεκαρδιστικές βωμολοχίες, η θορυβώδης, ασεβής, Ιρλανδή μετανάστης γειτόνισσα Ρόουζ Γκούντινγκ κατηγορείται για το έγκλημα. Οι ανώνυμες επιστολές προκαλούν εθνικό σάλο και ακολουθεί μια δίκη. Ωστόσο, καθώς οι γυναίκες της πόλης - με επικεφαλής τον αστυνομικό Gladys Moss - αρχίζουν να ερευνούν οι ίδιες το έγκλημα, υποπτεύονται ότι κάτι δεν πάει καλά και η Rose μπορεί να μην είναι τελικά ο ένοχος.

Lorsque les habitants de Littlehampton, y compris la très conservatrice Edith, commencent à recevoir des lettres remplies d'obscénités et de blasphèmes hilarants, Rose, une immigrante irlandaise et turbulente, est accusée du crime. Soupçonnant que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond, les femmes de la ville mènent l'enquête.

Paslaptingoje komedijoje pasakojama apie 1920-ųjų Anglijos pajūrio miestelio absurdišką skandalą. Filme rodomos dvi kaimynės: konservatyvi Edita Svan ir grubi airė imigrantė Rouz Guding. Edita ir kiti gyventojai gauna laiškus su absurdiškais keiksmažodžiais, todėl apkaltinama Rouz. Anoniminiai laiškai sukelia šurmulį ir prasideda tyrimas, tačiau miestelio moterys su policininke Glade Mos įtaria, kad kažkas negerai ir vis dėl to ne Rouz yra šių įvykių kaltininkė.

מבוססת על סיפור אמיתי שעולה על כל דמיון, תעלומה מבדחת ופראית זו מתחקה אחר שתי שכנות: אדית סוואן, אישה מקומית ושמרנית במיוחד, ורוז גודינג, מהגרת אירית קולנית. כאשר אדית ותושבים שכנים מתחילים לקבל מכתבים שובבים שמלאים בגסויות המבדחות בלי כוונה, רוז בעלת הפה המלוכלך מואשמת בפשע. המכתבים האלמוניים מעוררים מהומה ארצית שמובילה למשפט. עם זאת, כאשר נשות העיירה – בהנהגת השוטרת גלדיס מוס – מתחילות לחקור את הפשע בעצמן, הן חושדות שמשהו אינו כשורה וייתכן כי בסופו של דבר רוז אינה האשמה.

Littlehampton- niewielka miejscowość w Anglii. Mieszka tu Edith (Olivia Colman), znana ze swego niezwykle konserwatywnego podejścia do życia. Pewnego razu otrzymuje ona list, który ma wyraźny podtekst seksualny. Podobne listy dostali również inni mieszkańcy miasteczka. O wysyłanie tych listów zostaje oskarżona Rose (Jessy Buckley), młoda irlandzka imigrantka. Liczne zarzuty płynące w jej stronę sprawiają, że policja rozpoczyna śledztwo, które prowadzi posterunkowa Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan).

Años 20. En la ciudad costera de Littlehampton, la devota Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) y otros habitantes de la localidad empiezan a recibir escandalosas cartas escritas con un lenguaje tan excéntrico como obsceno. Rápidamente las sospechas recaen sobre Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley), una vecina impetuosa que ve cómo su libertad y la custodia de su hija peligran debido a estas acusaciones. Mientras las cartas siguen asolando la población, la agente de policía Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan) pondrá su ingenio a trabajar para resolver el misterio y atrapar al verdadero culpable de todo este embrollo.

När invånarna i Littlehampton – inklusive den konservativa Edith – börjar få brev fulla av lustiga svordomar, anklagas den bråkiga irländska migranten Rose att ligga bakom. Misstankarna får stadens kvinnor att börja undersöka saken.

เรื่องราวฉาวโฉ่ที่ทั้งฮาและแสบสันเป็นหัวใจของภาพยนตร์สืบสวนตลกเหลือร้ายเรื่องนี้ ซึ่งสร้างจากเรื่องจริงที่ยิ่งกว่านิยาย โดยนำเสนอเรื่องราวของเพื่อนบ้านสองคน ได้แก่ ชาวเมืองท้องถิ่นผู้แสนจะหัวโบราณ อีดิธ สวอน (โอลิเวีย โคลแมน) และผู้อพยพชาวไอริชจอมเอะอะโวยวาย โรส กู๊ดดิง (เจสซี่ บัคลีย์) เมื่ออีดิธและชาวเมืองคนอื่นๆ เริ่มได้รับจดหมายสุดแสบซึ่งเต็มไปด้วยถ้อยคำหยาบคายที่ตลกโปกฮาอย่างไม่ได้ตั้งใจ

Son derece muhafazakar İngiliz, Edith Swan ve yerel halk, komik küfürlerle dolu kötü mektuplar almaya başlayınca kabadayı, ağzı bozuk İrlandalı göçmen komşusu Rose Gooding suçlanır. İsimsiz mektuplar ülke çapında bir kargaşaya yol açar ve bir dava başlar. Ancak Polis Memuru Gladys Moss liderliğindeki kasabanın kadınları suçu kendileri araştırmaya başladıkça bir şeylerin ters gittiğinden şüphelenirler ve bu suçlu Rose olmayabilir.

български език
Неотразимите Оливия Колман и Джеси Бъкли оглавяват "Неприличните писма" – филм по невероятна истинска история, разиграла се в малък английски крайбрежен град през 20-те години на миналия век. Консервативната Едит започва да получава анонимни писма, изпълнени с вулгарни обиди и веднага насочва подозрението си към така или иначе вулгарната ирландска имигрантка Роуз, но истината може би е по-странна от измислицата, а привидните различия между двете съседки само прикриват дълбоките им прилики.

Tiếng Việt
Bộ phim theo sau câu chuyện về hai người hàng xóm: một phụ nữ địa phương rất bảo thủ, Edith Swan và người nhập cư người Ireland năng động, Rose Gooding. Khi Edith và những người dân khác bắt đầu nhận được những lá thư độc ác đầy những lời nói tục tĩu, Rose ngay lập tức bị buộc tội. Những lá thư ẩn danh này gây ra sự hỗn loạn trên toàn nước Anh và một phiên tòa diễn ra. Tuy nhiên, khi phụ nữ trong thị trấn, dẫn đầu bởi Sĩ quan Cảnh sát Gladys Moss , bắt đầu điều tra vụ án, họ nghi ngờ rằng có điều gì đó không ổn và Rose có thể không phải là thủ phạm gây ra mọi chuyện.

Uma cidade litorânea inglesa da década de 1920 é testemunha de um escândalo sombrio e absurdo nessa comédia de mistério alucinante. Baseado em uma história verídica mais estranha que a ficção, que acompanha duas vizinhas: a profundamente conservadora Edith Swan e a desordeira imigrante irlandesa Rose Gooding. Quando Edith e outros moradores começam a receber cartas perversas, cheias de palavrões involuntariamente hilários, a desbocada Rose é acusada do crime. As cartas anônimas provocam um alvoroço nacional e um julgamento se segue. No entanto, quando as mulheres da cidade - lideradas pela policial Gladys Moss - começam a investigar o crime, elas suspeitam que algo está errado e que Rose pode não ser a culpada.

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An adaptation of the award-winning book about one very special gorilla, Disney’s “The One and Only Ivan” is an unforgettable tale about the beauty of friendship, the power of visualization and the significance of the place one calls home. Ivan is a 400-pound silverback gorilla who shares a communal habitat in a suburban shopping mall with Stella the elephant, Bob the dog, and various other animals. He has few memories of the jungle where he was captured, but when a baby elephant named Ruby arrives, it touches something deep within him. Ruby is recently separated from her family in the wild, which causes him to question his life, where he comes from and where he ultimately wants to be. The heartwarming adventure — an impressive hybrid of live-action and CGI — is based on Katherine Applegate’s best-selling book, which won numerous awards upon its publication in 2013, including the Newbery Medal.

Me Before You summary, synopsis, reviews
Me Before YouRomance2016

Young and quirky Louisa "Lou" Clark (Emilia Clarke) moves from one job to the next to help her family make ends meet. Her cheerful attitude is put to the test when she becomes a caregiver for Will Traynor (Sam Claflin), a wealthy young banker left paralyzed from an accident two years earlier. Will's cynical outlook starts to change when Louisa shows him that life is worth living. As their bond deepens, their lives and hearts change in ways neither one could have imagined.

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Comedy Central Roast of Pamela Anderson: UncensoredComedy Central Roasts

Boob jokes. A Golden Girl describing sex acts. An absolutely sober (no, she swears) Courtney Love heckling. It’s total roast mayhem when swimsuit queen Pamela Anderson gets beach-slapped by the likes of Sarah Silverman and Roast Master Jimmy Kimmel.

The Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe (Uncensored) release date, synopsis, reviews
The Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe (Uncensored)The Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe

The Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe assembles a dais that includes Peyton Manning, Ralph Macchio, Jeff Ross, Nikki Glaser, Rob Riggle, Jewel, Ann Coulter and Roast Master David Spade. The occasion? To try and take down an ageless heartthrob.

Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents, Season 2 (Uncensored) release date, synopsis, reviews
Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents, Season 2 (Uncensored)Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents

Nine of the freshest voices in stand-up comedy make their way to the stage to light up the crowd, catch their big breaks and serve up plenty of laughs.

Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber: Uncensored release date, synopsis, reviews
Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber: UncensoredComedy Central Roasts

The Roast of Justin Bieber assembles a dais that includes Hannibal Buress, Snoop Dogg, Natasha Leggero, Ludacris, Shaquille O'Neal, Jeff Ross, Martha Stewart and Roast Master Kevin Hart to hold one of the world's biggest teen idols over an open flame.

Live Nude Comedy release date, synopsis, reviews
Live Nude ComedyLive Nude Comedy

Shannon Elizabeth (American Pie) hosts six sizzling and hilarious half hour episodes of this Showtime series combining stand-up comedy and modern burlesque. Each episode begins with Elizabeth leading a sketch, followed by alternating performances by two of today’s funniest comedians and two of the hottest dancers. Comics include Chris D'Elia, Tig Notaro, Whitney Cummings, and Andy Dick just to name a few.

Comedy Bang! Bang!, Vol. 2 release date, synopsis, reviews
Comedy Bang! Bang!, Vol. 2Comedy Bang! Bang!

Comedy Bang!Bang! is back with two separate 10-episode volumes of all new episodes and a robust line-up of famous faces. Host Scott Aukerman and musical cohort Reggie Watts both return to Comedy Bang! Bang!, the show that infuses celebrity appearances and comedy sketches with a tinge of the surreal. Joining Scott and Reggie in the studio this season are Jessica Alba, Andy Samberg, Sarah Silverman, Jason Schwartzman, David Cross, Bill Hader, Anna Kendrick, Zach Galifianakis and more.

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