Hard Rain summary and reviews

Hard Rain synopsis, summary and reviews

5.8 star

Hard Rain (1998) Movie Summary

  • R
  • 1998

A Weather forecast: rain. Action forecast: Hard Rain, the torrential, excitement-swept thriller featuring a screenplay from the writer of Speed and the on-screen talents of Morgan Freeman (Deep Impact), Christian Slater (Broken Arrow), Randy Quaid (Independence Day) and Minnie Driver (Good Will Hunting). The setting is the food-ravaged, evacuated town of Huntingburg, where armored car driver Tom (Slater) is in deep danger. A gang of thieves (led by Freeman) figures the flood is its chance to heist the $3 million Tom's transporting from local banks. But there's one thing the gun-carrying criminals don't count on - Tom. Come hell, high water or both, he's determined to deliver the money entrusted to him. But before he does, he'll have to survive a relentless pursuit filled with close calls, ever-rising waters, uncertain loyalties and heart-stopping heroics.

Hard Rain Film Synopsis

An armored car driver tries to elude a gang of thieves while a flood ravages the countryside.

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Hard Rain Movie Reviews

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Amazing!!!First say this movie when it came out, I was away at college. I love the story and the cast. I love a good action movie, which I love. I would definitely recommend..Score: 5/5

Fun, late night watch ...Watched it at 11PM, and thought it was a helluva a lot of fun. It's pure cheese, but when it's late at night, and in the mood for a little mindless entertainment, Hard Rain certainly fits the bill. Give it a shot..Score: 4/5

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Hard Rain (1998) Series Cast & Crew

Hard Rain (1998) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Morgan Freeman (Jim), Christian Slater (Tom), Minnie Driver (Karen), Randy Quaid (Sheriff Mike Collins), Ed Asner (Uncle Charlie), Betty White (Doreen Sears), Richard Dysart (Henry Sears), Dann Florek (Mr. Mehlor), Michael A. Goorjian (Kenny), Ricky Harris (Ray), Mark Rolston (Wayne Bryce), Peter Murnik (Phil), Wayne Duvall (Hank), Ray Baker (Mayor), Jay Patterson (Mr Wellman), Michael Monks (Father on Local News), Mackenzie Bryce (Baby on Local News), Lisa Fuhrman (Mayor's Wife), all returned for hard rain movie.

Morgan Freeman (Jim)
Morgan FreemanJimScore: 69.6
Christian Slater (Tom)
Christian SlaterTomScore: 23.5
Minnie Driver (Karen)
Minnie DriverKarenScore: 28.0
Randy Quaid (Sheriff Mike Collins)
Randy QuaidSheriff Mike CollinsScore: 23.2
Ed Asner (Uncle Charlie)
Ed AsnerUncle CharlieScore: 19.1
Betty White (Doreen Sears)
Betty WhiteDoreen SearsScore: 15.2
Richard Dysart (Henry Sears)
Richard DysartHenry SearsScore: 9.1
Dann Florek (Mr. Mehlor)
Dann FlorekMr. MehlorScore: 11.6
Michael A. Goorjian (Kenny)
Michael A. GoorjianKennyScore: 7.8
Ricky Harris (Ray)
Ricky HarrisRayScore: 10.8
Mark Rolston (Wayne Bryce)
Mark RolstonWayne BryceScore: 11.0
Peter Murnik (Phil)
Peter MurnikPhilScore: 11.3

Mark Gerald (Set Medic), John Frazier (Special Effects Supervisor), Chris Anderson (Visual Effects Coordinator), Amnon David (Editor), Graham Yost (Screenplay), Paul Hirsch (Editor), Gary Levinsohn (Producer), Christopher Young (Original Music Composer), Peter Menzies Jr. (Director of Photography), Ian Bryce (Producer), Art Levinson (Producer), Mikael Salomon (Director), Mark Gordon (Producer), Christian Slater (Co-Producer), Gillian L. Hutshing (Editor), Allison Lyon Segan (Executive Producer), Risa Bramon Garcia (Casting), Randi Hiller (Casting), Andrew Ward (Set Production Assistant), Dennis McNeill (Color Timer),

Graham Yost (Screenplay)
Graham YostScreenplayScore: 4.3
Paul Hirsch (Editor)
Paul HirschEditorScore: 4.7
Christopher Young (Original Music Composer)
Christopher YoungOriginal Music ComposerScore: 2.5
Peter Menzies Jr. (Director of Photography)
Peter Menzies Jr.Director of PhotographyScore: 3.4
Ian Bryce (Producer)
Ian BryceProducerScore: 5.8
Mikael Salomon (Director)
Mikael SalomonDirectorScore: 6.8
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Hard Rain Trailers & Teasers

'Hard Rain' Official Trailer (HD). First teaser trailer of hard rain, the Mikael Salomon's popular movie. Watch the hard rain teaser trailer. Mikael Salomon’s #hard-rain is now on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and digital platforms.

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Hard Rain Screencaps, Images & Pictures

Check out photos from hard rain movie. Hard Rain (1998) 1920x1080 HD wallpapers and high quality background images. Tons of awesome hard rain wallpapers to download for free.

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Hard Rain Movie Screencaps, Images & Pictures

A simple plan. An instant fortune. Just add water...

Hard Rain — 1998

Hard Rain Posters

All released movie posters so far for the movie hard rain - 1998. A poster for Mikael Salomon action & adventure movie, Hard Rain! High resolution official theatrical movie poster (#1 of 10) for hard rain (1998). Image dimensions: 2025 x 3000.

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Hard Rain Movie Posters
Brain Force

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Sintflutartige Regenfälle und ein drohender Staudammbruch haben Huntington zu einer Geisterstadt werden lassen. Ein perfekter Zeitpunkt für einen Überfall. Der alternde Gangster Jim will mit seinen Komplizen jenen Panzerwagen knacken, der den gesamten Bargeldbestand des Ortes in Sicherheit bringen soll. Mit dem Sheriff hat Jim zwar gerechnet, nicht aber mit dem Mut des Geldtransportfahrers Tom, der mit Hilfe der Restaurateurin Karen alles daran setzt, die ihm anvertrauten drei Millionen Dollar zu retten ...

Una pioggia torrenziale si abbatte sulla cittadina di Huntinburg. Le acque del fiume locale si alzano e inondano le strade. Il giovane Tom e suo zio Charlie sono alla guida di un furgone blindato che trasporta tre milioni di dollari provenienti dalle banche locali. Quando il furgone ha un guasto, la loro richiesta di aiuto trasmessa via radio viene intercettata. Jim, ladro anziano e stanco, intravede l'occasione che gli permetterà di ritirarsi a riposo su un'isola tropicale. Con i suoi complici si mette sulle tracce del furgone. Intanto lo sceriffo e alcuni aiutanti si stanno organizzando per difendere la città dall'allagamento e dallo sciacallaggio. Tom è con loro, deciso a difendere i soldi e aiutato da Karen. Dopo inseguimenti folli e combattimenti sottacqua nei corridoi di una scuola inondata, lo scontro tra Tom, Jim e lo sceriffo consente a ciascuno di chiarire meglio il proprio carattere. Tom vede premiata la volontà di non arrendersi al furto, ossia la soluzione più facile.

Il ne cesse de pleuvoir depuis plusieurs jours sur la petite ville d'Huntingburg. Le niveau de l'eau monte et le barrage situé en amont de la ville risque de céder. Les autorités décident d'évacuer la population. Seuls le shérif, ses adjoints et quelques habitants irréductibles restent sur place. Deux convoyeurs de fonds, Tom et Charlie, viennent chercher l'argent de la banque pour le mettre au sec. C'est le moment attendu par Jim et ses complices, bien décidés à s'emparer des trois millions de dollars qui dorment dans le coffre.

汤姆(克里斯汀史莱特饰演)与叔叔理察共同经营着运钞车事业,一日,他们载着三百万美金的现钞前往杭汀堡小镇,没想到,一场连续大雨造成洪水泛滥,镇民全部紧急撤退,全镇空无一人。叔侄俩被困在大洪水中,求救无门之时,一群由吉姆(摩根弗里曼饰演)所率领的歹徒团团包围住他们……吉姆是一个职业小偷,对于偷盗生涯已厌倦,决定利用此次洪水作为最后机会,大干一票后退休,隐居到一个热带小岛上,两方对峙在大洪水当中,汤姆誓死保护小镇的财产,靠站矫健的身手与过的机智,他带着三百万现金徒步逃走,一场紧张的追杀就此上场!在节节高升的洪水之中,人性的力量与大自然的力量展开对抗……   最后警察都因这笔巨款动了心,为了私吞巨款杀死同伴,成为最真正的歹徒,相反小偷吉姆数次良心发现,救了汤姆的性命。在这样的关键时刻他得到一位美女的帮助,她就是为保护小镇教堂--一座著名的古迹--而留下来的卡伦。到最后,直到州警察局最后派人救了他。

Tom har fått ett till synes enkelt arbete: han ska vara vakt för en värdetransport tillsammans med sin farbror. De ska hämta 3 miljoner dollar från en liten sömnig stad innan floden översvämmar hela området. Men det okomplicerade uppdraget går fullständigt galet, då bilen går sönder, kommunikationerna bryts och vattenmassorna stiger mycket snabbare än väntat. Och värre blir det, då värdetransporten plötsligt omges av ett gäng rånare som inte skyr några medel för att få tag i pengarna. Men de har inte räknat med Tom ... och allt vatten. Här får vi se MORGAN FREEMAN (Seven) och CHRISTIAN SLATER (Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves) i en actionfylld thriller i regi av MIKAEL SALOMON. Dessutom ser vi MINNIE DRIVER från den svarta komedin "Grosse Point Blank" och "Good Will Hunting".

Byen Huntingburg trues af en oversvømmelse. Sheriffen evakuerer befolkningen samtidig med at en havareret pengetransport bliver overfaldet af en røverbande. Men transportens chauffør, Tom, stikker af med pengene, forfulgt af banden og politiet, der ikke er så retskafne som de burde være. Undervejs får Tom uventet hjælp af Karen, der prøver at holde vandmasserne ude fra den kirke, hun er ved at restaurere. Men langsomt strammes nettet om de to unge.

Na Středozápadě USA už mnoho dní nepřetržitě prší. Nejvíce je postiženo městečko Huntinburg, které už je pod vodou. Téměř všichni místní obyvatelé jsou převezeni do bezpečí, a přesto se v městečku pod vodou odehrává velké drama: Tom, který je řidičem auta pro transport peněz, se snaží zachránit tři miliony dolarů z místní banky. Na balík peněz si ale dělá zálusk skupina gangsterů v čele s Jimem. Nepřetržitý liják dramaticky ztěžuje situaci na obou stranách...

Филм се дешава у градићу током велике поплаве коју је проузроковало оштећење бране. Том је наоружани чувар кога је опљачкао Џим. Том успе да побегне са свим новцем. У паници је све признао шерифу и где је сакрио новац. Шериф га хапси. Том сад мора да се избори са шерифом, Џимом и његовом екипом и дође до новца.

Las lluvias torrenciales han convertido la localidad de Huntingburg en un caos. Totalmente sumergida bajo el agua, la ciudad es evacuada por el sheriff. Lo que este no sabe, es que no lejos de allí, una banda de atracadores está planeando asaltar el furgón blindado que transporta la totalidad de los fondos locales y que también ha quedado atrapado por las aguas. A partir de ese momento se desarrolla una caza humana, en la que están implicados los atracadores, los conductores del furgón y una joven, cuya intención es salvar de la catástrofe la histórica Iglesia del lugar.

Вышедшая из берегов река становится причиной крупного наводнения в провинциальном американском городке. Мимо города следует инкассаторский автомобиль, перевозящий несколько миллионов долларов. Попав в засаду, неопытный охранник Том оказывается один на один с бандой «беспощадного Джима» и бушующей природной стихией. Выжить невозможно…

Miasteczko Huntingburg nawiedza kataklizm - powódź. Okolice zalane zostają przez wody pobliskiej rzeki. Większość mieszkańców postanawia się ewakuować, miejscowy bank próbuje ocalić gotówkę. Tom (Christian Slater) i jego starzejący się wuj Charlie wywożą z podtopionego miasta opancerzoną furgonetką 3 mln dolarów, których w porę nie zabezpieczono. W drodze samochód utyka w podnoszącej się z minuty na minutę wodzie. Gdy próbują sprowadzić pomoc, zostają zaatakowani przez uzbrojoną bandę. Powódź tymczasem przybiera na sile.

Gátszakadás miatt özönvíz zúdul az egyik amerikai kisvárosra. A hatalmas mennyiségű víz elárasztja a közeli bevásárlóközpontot is. A természeti katasztrófa közben Jim és bandája kirabolja az egyik páncélozott pénzszállító autót. A furgon sofőrje, Jim azonban nem hagyja annyiban a dolgot, visszaszerzi a pénzt, és hogy biztonságban legyen, elássa a lóvét. Minderről azután értesíti a helyi seriffet, aki a maga malmára akarja hajtani a vizet, és rács mögé csukja Jimet. Miközben mindenki a zsozsóra hajt, a természet a maga módján szolgáltat igazságot.

Μια καταιγίδα προκαλεί τρομακτική πλημμύρα κι απειλεί μια πόλη της Ιντιάνα. Δύο κάτοικοι προσπαθούν να συλλέξουν τα χρήματα από τις τράπεζες της πόλης, ώστε αυτά να οδηγηθούν σε ασφαλές μέρος. Όμως, μια συμμορία έχει άλλα σχέδια κατά νου.

סרט מתח בכיכובם של מורגן פרימן (האחות בטי, חומות של תקווה), כריסטיאן סלייטר (ראיון עם ערפד) ומיני דרייבר (סיפורו של וויל האנטינג). עיירה קטנה מוצפת במי גשמים, ומשאית עם שלושה מיליון דולר הופכת למטרה נחשקת. סרט פעולה מסחרר.

헌팅버그 마을, 폭우가 쏟아져 물이 범람하게 되어 마을 사람들이 모두 떠날 수밖에 없는 상황이 된다. 주장관과 실무 담당자들은 전에도 이런 일을 겪은 적이 있어 홍수 대피에는 베테랑들이다. 이들은 홍수로 마을 주민들이 다 대피하고 나면 들끓는 도둑들에 대해서까지 잘 알고 있을 정도다. 한편 지방 은행으로부터 3백만 달러의 송금 계획이 있는데, 그 수송차의 운전사인 톰(크리스천 슬레이터)과 그의 삼촌 찰리(에드워드 애즈너)는 차의 고장으로 꼼짝도 못하게 된 데다 돈을 노리는 일당으로부터 포위된다. 그러자 톰은 3백만 달러를 밧줄에 묶은 다음 물을 가로질러 도망쳐 간신히 교회로 피신한다. 그러나 교회를 지키던 카렌(미니 드라이버)에게 도둑으로 몰려 보안관 사무실로 넘겨진다.

Päiviä kestänyt rankkasade pieksee pientä kaupunkia keskilännessä. Asukkaat evakuoidaan muutamaa itsepintaista tapausta lukuunottamatta. Hukkuvassa kaupungissa alkaa tapahtua, kun panssaroitu kuljetusauto juuttuu mutaan, lastinaan kolme miljoonaa dollaria. Autonkuljettajat Tom ja Charlie joutuvat häikäilemättömän rikollisjengin piirittämäksi, eivätkä rosvot arkaile käyttää kovia keinoja saadakseen käteisen. Alkaa metsästys, jossa uhrista on tullut epäilty. Ja mitä rahoihin tulee, niille riittää ottajia...

Dans une petite ville américaine dont les habitants ont été évacués à cause d'un barrage qui va céder sous la pression de pluies diluviennes, deux convoyeurs de fonds font leur tournée. Mais, bloqués par l'inondation, ils sont, en plus, victimes d'un braquage et l'un d'eux est abattu. Le survivant, Tom, parvient à cacher l'argent. Les braqueurs se lancent à sa poursuite mais Tom va devoir faire alliance avec eux, l'argent attirant la convoitise des rares personnes restées sur place...

Durante uma chuva torrencial, que deixa uma pequena cidade totalmente ilhada, Tom (Christian Slater), um guarda de segurança de um carro blindado que ficou preso na chuva, vê assaltantes matarem seu parceiro, pois desejam roubar os US$ 3 milhões que estavam sendo transportados. Tom foge com o dinheiro e o esconde em um cemitério, que já está quase submerso. Porém ele logo depois é preso, sob suspeita de ter roubado o dinheiro. É quando quase todos decidem se apossar da grana, inclusive o xerife local (Randy Quaid), que decidiu ter esta fortuna para sua aposentadoria.

български език
Том е млад мъж, който заедно с чичо си Чарли работи като шофьор на бронирана кола, превозваща големи суми пари. След като малкото градче Хънтингбърг е почти наводнено от неспирните проливни дъждове и препълнения местен язовир, Том и Чарли трябва да се погрижат за сигурността на няколко чанти съдържащи 3 милиона долара. Но нещата се променят, когато по петите им тръгва група от професионални обирджии, които са предвождани от дългогодишния крадец Джим.

Tom ve Charlie içi para dolu olan bir arabayı korumaktadırlar. Yaşadıkları kasabanın sınırları dahilinde bulunan bir baraj türlü ihmalkarlıklar nedeniyle taşar. Kargaşa ortamından yararlanarak parayı çalmak isteyen bir grup haydutla girdikleri çatışmada Charlie vurulur. Tom ise paraları olay yerinden kaçırıp saklamayı başarır. Sel nedeniyle hızlı bir şekilde boşaltılan kasabada ıssızlık kol gezmektedir. Tom parayı korunaklı bir hale getirebilmek için kasabanın şerifiyle konuşmaya gidecektir. Bilmediği şey ise, şerefin bu paraya göz koyacağıdır.

ミシシッピ川流域にあるアメリカ中西部・インディアナ州の小さな町ハンティングバーグは、気圧低下による記録的な豪雨に見舞われた結果、町のほとんどが冠水、さらに上流のダムが決壊して洪水が発生する危険性が高まったことから、住民が全員避難し、無人となっていた。 そんな中、1台の現金輸送車が立ち往生、ガードマンのトムは無線で救助を要請するが、ジム率いる強盗団の襲撃を受ける。トムは現金を持って脱出、半水没した町を舞台に、現金をめぐっての壮絶な闘いの幕が切って落とされた。

Tijdens een grote overstroming wordt truckbewaker Tom in een klein dorpje overvallen door de crimineel Jim. Tom weet met het geld te ontsnappen, en verstopt het. In paniek vertelt hij de sheriff waar hij het geld verstopt heeft, waarna hij opgesloten wordt. Tom moet nu zorgen dat hij het geld krijgt, zichzelf in leven houdt, en de sheriff, Jim, en zijn crew te slim is.

Tom tar seg bokstavelig talt vann over hodet når han hopper på oppdraget med å kjøre en verditransport fra en liten by som er truet av flom. Ikke bare havner han midt i katastrofen og må kjempe for sitt eget og andres liv - en gjeng med skurker prøver også å få tak i pengene...

Na Stredozápade USA už mnoho dní nepretržite prší. Najviac je postihnuté mestečko Huntinburg, ktoré už je pod vodou. Takmer všetci miestni obyvatelia sú prevezení do bezpečia, a napriek tomu sa v mestečku pod vodou odohráva veľká dráma: Tom, ktorý je vodičom auta pre transport peňazí, sa snaží zachrániť tri milióny dolárov z miestnej banky. Na balík peňazí si ale robí zálusk skupina gangstrov na čele s Jimom. Nepretržitý lejak dramaticky sťažuje situáciu na oboch stranách...


Las lluvias torrenciales han convertido la localidad de Huntingburg en un caos. Totalmente sumergida bajo el agua, la ciudad es evacuada por el sheriff. Lo que este no sabe, es que no lejos de allí, una banda de atracadores está planeando asaltar el furgón blindado que transporta la totalidad de los fondos locales y que también ha quedado atrapado por las aguas. A partir de ese momento se desarrolla una caza humana, en la que están implicados los atracadores, los conductores del furgón y una joven, cuya intención es salvar de la catástrofe la histórica Iglesia del lugar.

Сильна злива, що обрушилася на західні штати Америки, викликала повінь. Застряглі в дорозі інкасатори змушені боротися не тільки зі стихією, а й давати відсіч банді грабіжників, які вирішили роздобути три мільйони доларів, що перевозяться в інкасаторській машині.

Les pluges torrencials han convertit la localitat de Huntingburg en caos. Totalment submergida sota l'aigua, la ciutat és evacuada pel xèrif. El que aquest no sap, és que no gaire lluny d'allà, una banda d'atracadors està planejant assaltar el furgó blindat que transporta la totalitat dels fons locals i que també ha quedat atrapat per les aigües. A partir d'aquell moment es desenvolupa una caça humana, en què estan implicats els atracadors, els conductors del furgó i una jove, la intenció de la qual és salvar de la catàstrofe la històrica Església del lloc.


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Anyone But YouRomance2023

In the edgy comedy Anyone But You, Bea (Sydney Sweeney) and Ben (Glen Powell) look like the perfect couple, but after an amazing first date something happens th...

Wonka synopsis and reviews
WonkaKids & Family2023

Based on the extraordinary character at the center of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the jewel in the Roald Dahl crown and one of the best‐selling childre...

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Mikael Salomon Popular Movies
Flirting With Forty summary, synopsis, reviews
Flirting With FortyComedy2009

Jackie (Heather Locklear, TV's "Spin City") is a recently divorced mother of two vacationing alone in Hawaii for her 40th birthday. Against her better judgment, she allows the hunky, much younger, resident surf instructor (Robert Buckley, TV's "Lipstick Jungle") to sweep her off her feet. What begins as a scorching one-night stand quickly turns into love as she jets off to Hawaii every chance she gets. But with kids, a disapproving ex-husband and friends, and an ocean separating them, real love becomes real tricky. When Jackie loses her balance, it takes her lover to teach her how to get back on the board before she misses the one wave that will change her life. Based on the best-selling novel by Jane Porter.

Drew Peterson: Untouchable summary, synopsis, reviews
Drew Peterson: UntouchableDrama2012

When police Sgt. Drew Peterson (Rob Lowe, TV's "Parks and Recreation") meets Stacy Cales (Kaley Cuoco, TV's "The Big Bang Theory"), he has it all: charm, money...and a wife, Kathleen (Cara Buono, TV's "Mad Men"). His old marriage falls by the wayside as Drew woos and weds Stacy, 30 years his junior. After his ex turns up dead in an apparent accident, Stacy is shocked as she sees a new side of Drew in his obsessive, controlling jealousy. Stacy vanishes, and her disappearance sets off a national media frenzy focused on Drew, who remains eerily certain that he's utterly untouchable. Don't miss the chilling new film based on the true crime story that rocked the nation.

Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (Unrated) summary, synopsis, reviews
Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (Unrated)Drama2012

Blue Lagoon is a classic love story about two young adults who fall in love despite all obstacles. Emma and Dean are two ordinary teenagers who travel with their school to Trinidad for a charity project. Emma is your 'good girl next door' type of girl, but she has a crush on a cute boy which makes her break the rules for once in her life and that fatal decision will carry on to change her life forever. Dean is your typical bad boy, who is sent on the trip to make extra credit so he can graduate high school. Emma and Dean are worlds apart before departure but this life changing trip makes their lives take a completely new turn, something that they never had imagined possible. There is a big storm one night and Emma and Dean end up stranded on a deserted island, alone but together. They are stuck on the island and they have no choice but to work together in order to survive. As they manage to survive on the island their relationship develops. But will they ever get off the island and can they ever have a normal life together?

Freezer summary, synopsis, reviews
FreezerAction & Adventure2014

Everyday guy, Robert (Dylan McDermott of TV’s HOSTAGES, OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN), fights for his life when he awakens locked inside an industrial freezer, having been put there by Russian thugs. The mob insists he returns the $8 million he stole from them, but Robert has no idea what they are talking about. The mystery deepens when he discovers Sam (Peter Facinelli of TWILIGHT FRANCHISE, THE SCORPION KING), a stranger who is also locked in. As they begin to freeze to death and are tested beyond human endurance, the truth slowly reveals itself. Now it’s a race against time to survive the cold and the increasingly impatient mob. From Academy Award®-nominated filmmaker Mikael Salomon (THE ABYSS, TV’s BAND OF BROTHER), and co-starring Yuliya Snigir (A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD) and Pascal Petardi (ANGELS & DEMONS).

Salem´s Lot (2004) summary, synopsis, reviews
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A journalist returns to his hometown to research the mysterious memories that have haunted him since childhood. But soon, the closely held secrets of small-town life turn into unimaginable terror when a fearsome stranger arrives--looking to sink his teeth into a new home. Donald Sutherland, Rob Lowe, Andre Braugher, Rutger Hauer, James Cromwell and Samantha Mathis star in this terrifying new take on the classic Stephen King novel.

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